
Monday, May 21, 2012

Bella and Elijah in May

Well it's been quite a while since my last post, sorry about that to anyone who is following my blog!  It's been crazy around here with my two little munchkins:)  Anyway, here are some updates in case you were curious. 

1.We moved Bella to her own room!  She was sharing her old room with Elijah, but she would wake up so much during the night when he woke up to eat that she was always tired and crabby.  We decided that she needed her own room, so we made the move to a downstairs room.  She loves it, and is a much happier toddler now! 

2. Elijah is 6 months old, sitting on his own, and rolling all over the house!  We have also gotten to know his personality a bit more now, which I must say is simply delightful.  He is the happiest, smiley-est little guy I've ever known!

3. Bella's language is just exploding.  Every day she is saying new things and learning how to speak more clearly.  She understands even more than she can say, but it is very exciting to hear her using language!

4. Elijah's eczema is almost completely gone, Praise God!  We are hoping that it was just a phase and not a more serious food allergy.  He is also doing great with his physical therapy for his right arm.  Our therapist thinks he is ahead of schedule and should be able to crawl just fine!  We are so thankful for all of your prayers for him, they are being answered:)

5.  With all this nice weather, we have been outside a lot, which is Bella's absolute favorite thing in the world!  I'm pretty sure if she could eat, sleep, and live in our backyard, she would.  She loves playing in the sandbox, swinging, going down the slide, blowing bubbles, playing with the dogs, and just wandering around discovering things.  Oh to be a two-year old.  She can find pure joy in anything.  I miss that as an adult, when do we lose that? 

So that's a brief catch up with us.  I hope to post more often, but no guarantees!  Have a wonderful day!

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