
Friday, February 21, 2014


That's right, it's the SNOWPOCALYPSE!  It's been the coldest, snowiest winter here in Minnesota in quite some time.  Last night into today, we received another 10-12 inches of snow.  Then the temperature dropped down to a balmy -12.  Just in time for everyone to go clear out their driveways:) 
 ^The view from our dining room

^This wall of snow is now about 4 feet tall and runs the length of the driveway


Anyway, I spent just over two hours shoveling out our driveway (yes we have a snow blower, but it's stuck behind a car that's not running and another car that is covered in snow and blocked in the driveway by above mentioned snowpocalypse).  While I was out shoveling, I made a list of PROs and CONs of shoveling in my they are:

1. I don't need to work out today
2. If this snow keeps up, I will be super buff by Spring
3. I spotted five trumpeter swans flying by while shoveling
4. The snow looks really pretty on all of the trees
5.  Despite the cold temperature and gusting winds, I'm warm from all the physical labor

1. I am finding fewer and fewer reasons to stay in Minnesota
2. I don't own snow pants (yes, I know I live in MN, but if I bought snow pants it would be like admitting that I live here, right?  Besides, every time I think of buying snow pants, I immediately think that I'd rather buy shoes or a cute top or nail polish or a new purse or...)
3. The plow truck is going to come by again and completely erase all that hard work I just did to clear out the three and a half foot wall of snow at the end of our driveway 
4. This snow is heavy and icy and extremely hard to throw up onto the mountain of snow I've created
5. Matt is out of town
6. I'm running out of room to put snow, and I'm pretty sure  I won't be able to see in either direction when backing out of our driveway
7. I hate snow

Just as I was finishing shoveling enough to get my car out of the driveway, a bobcat skid-steer looking machine came driving down the road, saw me, and stopped to clear out the other side of the driveway for me.  To whoever that kind man was, THANK YOU!  You are amazing and may just be my best friend now.  I guess that's one more item to add to the PROs list:) 

Happy Snowpocalypse everyone!  We are all going to be so buff by Spring;)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Party and Crafts

Greetings!  This past week was filled with fun Valentine crafts and a party with our playgroup friends which both Bella and Elijah really enjoyed!  Matt left town on Valentine's day morning, but we were able to have dinner together the night before (Miss you Valentine of mine!)  We hope your Valentine's day was full of love too!  Here's some pictures of our fun:

For our Valentine's Party at playgroup this year, we decided to teach a lesson on manners and then serve a spaghetti lunch for the kids.  They did a great job and really seemed to enjoy the food and drinks!  We also had them decorate paper bags and exchange little valentine's cards and treats-that was a big hit!  We are so blessed to have such a fun group of friends to see every week! 
Elijah's ready to party:)

^Some of the boys enjoying caesar salad

 ^Bella had another girl to play with this week, sweet little Maeve!  They sat together at lunch and enjoyed their girl time:)
 ^Cute Valentine Drinks (Shirley Temples!)
 My two little Valentines enjoying their lunch:)

^Cute little Wesley (just six weeks younger than Elijah)

Cupcakes for dessert!

^Levi and Jude enjoying their dessert

^Decorated Valentine's Bags, ready to be filled with treats:)

Later in the week, both Grandmas came over to make Valentine Houses with the kids!  This was a really fun project and worked out great because at Christmas time we didn't get a chance to make the gingerbread house Bella really wanted to do.  So Valentine's Day Houses it was!  The kids thoroughly enjoyed eating and decorating their way through the entire process.

^Someone's excited:)

 ^Elijah and Grandma H (this is his 'smile' face-Grandma's trying not to laugh!)
 ^Bella and Grandma M

 ^I just love Elijah's face in this one.  As he was completing his house, he kept calling everyone over and yelling,
"Ta -Da!"

 ^Elijah showing Bella his house
 ^And giving her a sample:)
 ^Elijah's finished house (and Bella peeking!)
^Bella's finished house
This was a super fun and easy project and comes highly recommended by both Bella and Elijah!  We may have to make this one a tradition:)









Saturday, February 8, 2014

Favorites from the Week

Here are a few of my favorite things from this week:

Favorite article/blog post:
I recently read an article shared by a few of my friends on Facebook.  Read it here.  The title of the article was "We can't be friends" and basically told of how a mother of young children felt about her messy house and the reality that it will remain that way until her kids are older. She states in it that she definitely wants her friends to come over and spend time with their family, but to not expect the house to be return, she doesn't want or expect that from her friends either. 
 Can I get a hallelujah

Favorite Quote from Bella:
Bella had a piece of her hair fall onto her arm.  She let it sit there, balancing on her arm and said, "It's like a seahorse...or a bicycle with a seahorse on it!" Now that's what I call a great imagination!

Favorite New Recipe:
Korean Beef Soft Tacos made in the slow cooker.  YUM!  Find the recipe here.

Favorite Picture of the Week:
Elijah and Bella are both smiling AND looking at the camera-this almost never happens:)

Favorite Pin of the Week:
I want to make this sign for Bella's room!

What are some of your favorite things from this week? 

I am looking forward to next week which will be full of fun Valentine crafts and celebrations as well as a very important husband Matt's!  Yay for celebrations (and cake, of course!)!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow and Cocoa

Well, we finally bundled up and braved the cold one afternoon so we could go and enjoy the snow!  Bella loves playing outside and was more than happy to put on all of her snow gear to go and play.  Elijah took some convincing, but eventually we all made it out in our boots and snow pants (for those of you who know how picky Elijah is with his shoes, you know that getting his snow boots on is a victory all of its own!).  Here are a few pictures from our fun:
So excited to be out in the snow:)

Not so sure about that cold wind blowing

Look Grandma and Grandpa, he's wearing his boots AND snow pants!  It's a snow day miracle!

B helping E up the snow pile:)

Yes, he's wearing a pair of my gloves...but at least he's wearing gloves, right?

Not as in to snow as his sister

Bella making snow angels

 Love my little lady!
After our adventures, we headed inside to warm up and have some cocoa, of course!

 And in other news, Bella's new bed is now all set up in her room!  She was so excited and still tells me at least once a day how much she loves it!  And a big thanks Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Erika for the beautiful quilt! 

I hope you are having a fabulous February so far...let's hope it warms up soon!