As I've mentioned before, Matt recently got a new job that takes him away from home for weeks at a time. To help us stay close while he is away, we skype, send texts, and I send him pictures and videos of the kids and all their silliness. But I decided to do a few other things for Matt to help him feel like he's not missing out on day-to-day life around here. Maybe if you have a loved one far away you'll be inspired to try one of these too!
1. Matt's Mailbox: In our front entry, we have cubies in the closet. One of these is now dedicated to Matt. The kids make art projects and drawings for Matt that we put in his 'mailbox' to open when he gets home. I haven't actually found a little mailbox to put in the cubie yet, but I'm looking for one. I think the kids would like a little mailbox that they could stick their projects in and put the little flag up for Daddy!
2. Dear Matthew Letters: This is just what it sounds like. Dear Matthew letters are the letters I write to Matt while he's away. I write to him about little things that happen during our day. They may not be monumental or exciting, but they are the little things that make up our life, and I don't want Matt to miss out. I give him all the letters each time he comes home.
3. Notes on the Road: These are notes that I send with Matt to open at different times while he's away. They are just words of encouragement, and may contain a candy bar that I know he loves:)
4. Care Package: I haven't sent one of these with him yet, but I will soon. This would be items I could send with him to enjoy while he's gone. Perhaps a book, photos of the kids, snacks, CD, etc. Just another way to let him know how much we miss him while he's away. This last trip I did send homemade treats for him to share with his crew though-that should count for something, right??;)
5. Map It Out: The kids and I are currently looking for a good U.S. Road map for this project. I'd like to put the map on a cork board. Each night when we Skype with Matt, he can tell us what city he's in, and the kids can put a pin in that city on our map. That way we can keep track of his route, and the kids can practice learning cities and states as they get older (Wow, can you tell I'm a teacher at heart?!).
6. Nightly Bible Study: Although this doesn't always work out, Matt and I try to do a nightly Bible study together over skype. This is another way to stay connected to each other and deepen our relationship.

Here's a pic of all four of us ready for church this past Sunday. We love our time together as a family!!
Do you have any other ideas that help you stay connected with loved ones far away? If so, I'd love to hear them!
Have a Happy Thursday!!
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