At 18 months old, you are a sweet, curious, funny, and smart little boy. You love to snuggle, hold hands, and help me with whatever I'm doing. You really like to do whatever your big sister is doing. Your laugh is so contagious. You have recently realized that you are a great climber. You use the dining room chairs as your personal step stools all over the house. You are brave and very tough. You love to dance. You are not too talkative yet, but you are starting to say so many more words, including Beba (Bella), Man-Man (Cayman), uv ooh (love you) and many others that are becoming so much easier to understand. You love when people come to visit, usually shouting their name from the top of the steps. You hate when people leave. You do not like to be scolded and usually get a pouty lip that turns into tears if you get into trouble (just like your momma was and NOT like your Daddy or sister!). You melt my heart every single day with your sweetness. I am so thankful to have you as my son.
Here are just of few of the sweet and silly things you are doing at 18 months old:
- You wave goodbye to me every night when I lay you down for bed
- You love to hold my hand and lead me to wherever you want or need to go
- You shout, "Dada!" when we turn on Skype
- You yell, "Mama! Mama! Mama!" When you wake up every morning. You will continue to shout this until I come to get you out of your crib.
- You stick out your tongue and pretend to be a puppy by panting and crawling around on the floor.
- You shake your head no to answer almost every question (even when you mean yes).
- You love babies and will pat them gently on the head, give them hugs and kisses, and help feed them if allowed to.
- You love sitting in Bella's booster seat and much prefer it to your own high chair.
- You love to help put Cayman outside, feed her, and give her treats.
Love, Momma
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