At three years old, you are both spunky and sweet. You constantly amaze me with your vocabulary and your constant thirst for knowledge. You are one of the funniest people I know. You make me laugh every day, and I am so very thankful to be your momma.
I recently asked you about some of your 'favorites', and here are your responses:
1. Favorite Color: Purple
2. Favorite Number: 3
3. Favorite Food: Doughnuts (which you pronounce Poughnuts)
4. Favorite Animal: Giraffe (just like mommy!)
5. Favorite T.V. Show: Curious George
6. Favorite Book: Princess Palooza
7. Favorite Song: 'I like You'
You are determined, independent, sometimes stubborn, very smart, kind, and beautiful. I love watching you grow and learn every single day. Lately some of the things you really enjoy include singing (and making up original lyrics), tea parties, playing with your stuffed animals (usually doctor), building castles, any kind of make believe play, and puzzles. You also have learned how to differentiate between boy/girl, he/she, handsome/beautiful etc. You tell Daddy that he's handsome and Mommy that she's beautiful (you're so sweet love!). Your speech has become very clear and I find myself able to carry on a conversation with you often. You love playing with your friends, church, and going to Grandma and Grandpa's house. You have recently begun to ask to help me with almost anything I'm doing (baking, cooking, fixing something, chores around the house, etc.). You can get yourself dressed, are almost completely potty trained, and you can get your own water from the fridge now. I can hardly believe how big you are getting. You are a good big sister, a wonderful daughter, and prayerful little girl. We love you so much Bella girl. Thanks for being you!
Love, Momma
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