
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Freeze Frame

Do you ever have those moments where your kids do something so cute that you just want to freeze frame it so you can remember it perfectly forever?  I feel like that happens to me a lot.  So I thought I'd take a moment and write down some of the cutest, funniest, sweetest things my two little ones are doing right now, before they are just distant, fuzzy memories.


She has recently begun saying (at random times) "Mommy, I love you so much!  Daddy, I love you so much!".  Melts my heart!

She has a great imagination and pretends to be Dora or Diego (her favorite show) and goes on adventures.  These adventures come complete with her rescue pack (backpack), baby Jaguar (Elijah), and she is always on the look out for Swiper, Bobos and 'talkadiles' (crocodiles).  So fun to watch!

She loves telling me about the sun coming out, the moon coming up at night, snow, rain, etc.  She's our little weather girl!

She calls Elijah "Ly-jah" now, or sweetie pie, Buddy, or Bug (I call him Bug, so she does too!).  When people ask Bella what her name is, she says, "I'm Bella, this is my Ly-jah"!  So sweet.

She loves her friends, and always asks if we can go see them or if they can come to Bella's house.  When we get to see them, she always smiles, closes her eyes for a moment, tilts her head to the side and says, "Oh, thank you Momma!" 

She often asks, "snuggle me?"  Um, yes please!


He has learned to clap his hands, give high fives, and say 'more' in sign language.  He also sticks his hands straight up in the air for 'so big!' when we ask him how big he is. 

He loves to cuddle and give kisses.  His kisses are the open mouth, tongue out, sloppy right on your lips kind -so funny and so sweet.  He also loves to kiss cheeks (except for Daddy who's face is too scratchy!) and will attach himself and suck on your cheek!

He waves bye-bye and also says 'Ni-Ni' (night-night) before bed and naptime.

He loves to point at things or people, he is very curious and gets into EVERYTHING he can, and he is fascinated by toilets, sinks, running water, the dog's water dish, drawers, phones, remotes, most electronics, the stairs, and Bella's stuff.  He also loves pulling all the books out of our bookcases (a little trick Bella taught him!). 

He loves to go over to our dogs Cayman and Ana and give them hugs or lay with them in their new bed (their Christmas gift this year!).  It gets a bit crowded in there by the time he's in there along with both dogs and sometimes Bella too:)

That's all for now-We're off to make more memories:)

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