
Monday, February 13, 2012

My Silly Girl

Well, I've finally done it.  I've started a blog.  I've decided that the best way to figure out what I want to blog about is to just start blogging and hope a general theme emerges eventually...
So for now, I would like to take a moment to write about the funny things my 2-year old daughter Bella has done lately.  I know I will soon forget if I don't write it down, so here are a few of the silly things she's done over the past few weeks:
1. One afternoon while I was nursing our son Elijah, Bella discovered that she could get into things and I couldn't get to her right away.  She took advantage of this by unwrapping a stick of butter I had sitting on the counter.  Pretty soon I see her marching around the house with a whole stick of unwrapped butter in her hands.  Needless to say, I now try to have something for her to do while I'm nursing:)
2. One night Grandma was watching Bella while we were out.  Bella and Grandma were reading stories in her room and Grandma started to doze off in the rocking chair (she has to get up very early for work).  Bella went and stood right next to Grandma and yelled loudly.  Grandma jumped awake and Bella starting laughing hysterically.  Definitely her father's daughter.
3. Bella has recently developed a few of ladybugs and will walk around the house looking for them.  If she finds one or anything that looks remotely like one (such as a crumb or piece of lint) she will stand back, point to it, and ask, "what that?" or "what is it?" or just say, "Buuuu" (bug).  I will then have to go retrieve the "buuu" and put it outside. 

Some of the adorable things she says:
Pu-peez = Pizza
Nana = Ana (our dog)
Kaka = Auntie Erika
Eeze = Please
Beba = Bella
Tank te = Thank you
Ahhh = Mouth

And so many more.  I love living with a two year old.  She has so much joy and curiosity.  Sometimes I forget to look at life that way, but she is a constant reminder to me. 

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