1. Marvelous handyman/builder/visionary/project coordinator: Matt has a background in framing carpentry and home remodeling. His skills are amazing and he has done some breath-taking projects for our home and some of our family and friends. Here are a few pictures from some of his projects over the years:
BEFORE (bathroom remodel for family):
The table and chairs Matt and I refinished together (read here)
Our antique bathroom vanity (read here)
2. Budding Photographer: I bet you didn't know this one about Matt! I gave Matt a book on photography for his birthday in February. He has recently begun to read it and has been practicing his skills around the house. Take a look at a few of these great shots!
3. Talented Musician: Matt has always loved to play and listen to music. Our home is always filled with music and our children are already showing signs of their budding talents as well. Matt volunteers in our church's worship team, plays for events, and enjoys just practicing one of his instruments around the house. He plays piano, guitar, and drums, and is one of those rare people than can pick up new instruments pretty easily. I am so thankful for his ability to play music and so very proud of his vow to bring music into our children's lives as well.
4. Amazing Father: One of the most important things to me before I was married was finding a husband that would be a great father. I can remember first meeting Matt and seeing how great he was with kids. Amazingly enough, he has exceeded my expectations on what it means to be a great father. His love of our children is deep and faithful. He is an excellent role model and provider. I am so blessed by his love and commitment to our children.
5. Awesome Leader: Matt has a natural ability to be a great leader. First of all, he is an awesome leader of our home and family. He is also a natural leader in his career and volunteer positions. He respects his team and creates a fun, comfortable environment. He is fair, kind, and thoughtful. He is honest, hardworking, and perseveres in all situations. I am so glad to have him as the leader of our team!
6. Hilarious and Witty Friend: I think all of Matt's friends would agree, the man is hilarious!
7. Incredibly Intelligent Student: Matt is always learning and improving new skills and pushing himself forward. Whether it's taking classes online, learning a new skill from someone, or teaching himself something new, he is dedicated and goal oriented. I so admire this quality of his.
8. Kind Hearted Neighbor: Because Matt works out of town, when he is home there is always lots for him to do. Even with all of his responsibilities, he always takes time to help our neighbors out when they need projects or maintenance done. What a great example he sets for our children!
9. Devoted man of God: Matt's faithful commitment to God is one of my favorite things about him. His devotion has helped our entire family through some of the greatest trials of our lives so far. I am so thankful to have someone like him to lean on and look to while growing in our faith together.
10. Loving Husband: I hope I've made it pretty clear by now, I ADORE this man! Matt is my best friend in the world and I am so grateful that I get to call him my husband. He is loving, patient, kind, and forgiving. These qualities are ones I often take for granted. I am so thankful for all that he is to me as a spouse and a partner in life.
Matt, thank you for all that you are and all that you help us to be. YOU. ARE. LOVED.